Most people would say a missionary is someone who leaves home, is supported by other people financially while they are serving, and is promoting a religion in some way or another. Like our friends the Taylors, working in Swaziland right now, being supported by people in the states who donate money on a regular basis, doing the work God has called them to. But while I left home and I am a Christian, Dad had a job which was paying for us to be in South Africa. So I was not and am not a missionary kid.
I think this message becomes cliche when we start referring to our comfort zones as our "mission fields." Yes, you can certainly help those around you. But there is unbearable suffering right here, right now, in your backyard. You just have to intentionally stretch out and touch it. God doesn't call all of us to the jungles of Brazil. But neither does he call any of us to remain in our "mission field." He wants us to find a mission field, where we love with God's love and hurt for those He hurts for. What are you called to?
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