Saturday, November 3, 2012

He knows best

     I had my wisdom teeth out yesterday.  Before I went in for surgery, people kept telling me that I would be syringing the blood out of my mouth and that it was so painful and that I’d be totally out of it for a week.  While none of those are true, I am in pain.  I can’t smile and at this point (a day after surgery) I can only eat pureed foods - applesauce, smoothies, jello, mashed potatoes.  And I feel like a chipmunk because my jaw is swollen. :p 
     BUT: If I hadn’t had the teeth taken out, I would have had to have extensive orthodontic care in the future, I would have had a much higher chance of tooth decay and gum infection, and my mouth would have been very cramped.  Considering the minimal pain that I’m in today and will be in for the next couple of days, I would much rather have had them out now then going through all those problems in the future.  
     I wrote in my journal yesterday about a tie between that and God.  Sometimes, what God’s putting us through now hurts.  Maybe it even really hurts.  But it would be minimal to the pain we would experience in the future if we didn’t have to face it now.  God know’s what’s best for us and we need to trust Him and continue praising Him even through the bad times.