Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Taste of Words

     "Milo nibbled carefully at the letter and discovered that it was quite sweet and delicious--just the way you'd expect and A to taste.  'I knew you'd like it,' laughed the letter man, popping two G's and an R into his mouth and letting the juice drip down his chin. 'A's one of our most popular letters.  All of them aren't that good,' he confided in a low tone. 'Take the Z, for instance--very dry and sawdusty.  And the X?  Tastes like a trunkful of stale air.   That's why people hardly ever use them.  But most of the others are quite tasty.  Try some more.' He gave Milo an I, which was icy and refreshing, and Tock a crisp, crunchy C."

     Words we use have their own taste, too.  Think of negative words: never, hate, can't, won't, worthless, preppy, etc.  Would you want to eat those words?  Wouldn't it be much nicer to use (and eat) positive words such as love, please, thank you, encouragement, and beautiful?  Let's think about what we're saying...

     Proverbs 12:18: "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."