Monday, February 25, 2013

Guest post: Teresa - Be Different


     Ummm. Hi. Sara's asked me to write on something, because she couldn't find anything to write on.  I've never really done this before, (maybe once?) so I'm not sure how it will turn out. Much different than the way Sara and Malea would post, but I'll give it a go anyway. 
     So, something I, and most likely all of us, am trying to do is to fit in. To not stand out. To not be different. Sometimes we hold back from doing our best, or make a decision that maybe wasn't the best choice, or hurt someone else so you're not seen with them, all because we don't want to be labeled a freak or unpopular. The Weirdo. 
     But what if God wants us to be different? You can see it all through out the Bible. The first reference I found was in Genesis 6. Noah.  He was different. He was righteous. And probably not very popular about it. I mean, he built an ARK in his back yard. Can you imagine? He would be the definite winner of "Laughingstock of the neighborhood." And he worked on it for 120 years! But his reward was great. He was saved from the flood that killed all the other people and animals. He made a covenant with God. Would you rather be laughed at and live, or not do anything and die?

     Or what about the Israelites? God called them out to be a set apart people. He enabled them to defeat nations 2-3 times lager then themselves. He gave their enemies into their hands. He preformed miracles for them. He did stuff that made other nations tremble in fear and wonder who these people were. He made sure that they were noted as different. 
     But if Jesus wasn't the odd guy out, nobody was! While everyone else was cowering behind the pharisees, he confronted them to their face and told them how very wrong they were.  Everyone hated the Gentiles, and he said that they, too, were allowed to believe in God. He cared for people not worth caring for, cripples, lepers, blind men. He did miracles. He raised the dead. He could explain the bible better than the teachers could. He had people calling him Lord.  The worst thing he did was he claimed to be the Son of God! 'GASP!' That really sent the 'righteous' people recoiling. Yep! Jesus claims the title of Different!  God wants us to be like Jesus. He wants us to follow Jesus's example. 
Look at the following verses. They both say something about being different. 
              Romans 12:2a
                   Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
             1 Corinthians 3:3
                    You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men?

      Romans 12:2 is clear. We need to stop following the patterns of this world. 1 Corinthians 3:3 hints that we should stop acting like mere men, not called to do anything to change the world men who can't be called disciples of Jesus. 1 John tells us not to worry if we are different like this.
             1 John 2:17
                   The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

     The world will not be remembered. The people who laughed at you or called you names will die and they will be forgotten. But if you have changed the world, loved Jesus, been different, you will live forever.  Also, if you look back at people who have dared to be different, see how they are remembered. We learn about them, who they were and what they did. And we don't remember the people who mocked them. For instance, David Livingstone, or Martin Luther.  
     David Livingstone discovered Africa. But people tried to stop him from going, saying he would get killed by the savages, or the diseases that ran rampage. He took a chance and went anyways. Now, we have Africa to remember him by, and nobody knows off the top of their head who told David Livingstone not to be different. 
     Martin Luther started the protestant movement. The Roman Catholic church were the dissuaders in this case. Martin Luther was put under house arrest, but he still managed to create a new church and the archbishop who is responsible for house arresting Martin Luther- Well, I don't know his name. I've never read it.  And if you know of Sara's love for books, I'm the same way. And I have been given some strange looks (My mom calls them 'third eye' looks) when I say I can read a book or two in a day, no problem. 
      So go out there and change the world. And if people give you third eye stare because you are making a difference, just hold you head high, smile, and wave. Be who you are. Don't hold back anything. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Power Over Matter

Basic life concept:  Weather men don't have a great reputation for predicting the weather.  

Basic science concept:  Mass cannot be created or destroyed.  It can only change form.  

Not-quite-so-basic science concept: Surface tension in water is what causes it to have that curved look when it seems to have overflowed the glass.  Water molecules want to cling to each other, and at the top of the glass they have less other water molecules to cling to, so they cling to the existing ones even more strongly.  At 20°C, the surface tension of water is 0.0728 Newtons/meter.  It doesn't take very much to break that surface tension, though!

Now think about this:  

Jesus didn't just predict the weather.  He controlled it.  (Matthew 8:23-27)

There have only been a few points in history when matter and mass have been created or destroyed.  Jesus was present at and behind all of them.  (Matthew 14:13-21, Genesis 1, John 2:1-11)

The average force a 30-year-old man applies downwards (due to the force of gravity) is 175 Newtons.  Even if Jesus was a midget who only applied 100 Newtons of force, He still, according the "laws" of our world, should have sunk through the water.  Yet He did not!  (Matthew 14:22-33)

Jesus is God, and God is Sovereign.  He created this world and He is in control.  Small things like scientific laws don't get in His way.  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Favorite Authors

     I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of my favorite Christian authors with you.  I've found them to produce good storylines and uplifting messages, and want to be sure you know where you can turn for good Christian novels.  Bryan Davis is author of Dragons in our Midst, I Know Why the Angels Dance, and the Echoes from the Edge series.  Ted Dekker wrote the Circle books, the Heaven trilogy, and Blessed Child.  Karen Kingsbury has written the Baxter series (all four of them), the 9/11 series, and Between Sundays.  Check them out!

Bryan Davis:
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Ted Dekker:
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Karen Kingsbury:
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