Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Distractions of bickering

     This post is definitely a reflection.  It's an issue I've noticed, but haven't formed a complete opinion on yet.  I'm still thinking through it.
     I think humans like bickering.  Or we just like being stubborn in our opinion, and that leads to bickering.  It tends to be over petty stuff such as what color the walls should be or what we should eat to be the healthiest.  We aren't exempt from this as Christians - have you heard about those people who think you can't be saved unless you're baptised?  Or, *gasp*, what about those who think we're predestined and have no free will?  How about those who are all up in arms over whether women should have long hair or not.  I absolutely refuse to join in my siblings conversations about what the end of the world is going to look like.
     It seems to me like we're caught up in the fine, legalistic details and are distracted from the pure, simple, wonderful truth of the gospel.  For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.  Each of the things which distract us are a minimal part of the Bible.  Should the end of the world make any difference how we live today?  Should we get so caught up in hair length that we forget our call to go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all Christ has commanded us?
     See all my question marks?  Maybe it's okay to be really opinionated on these issues.  I have opinions of my own on them.  It just seems like they are causing a divide in the church of Christ, causing us to miss out on the beauty of Christ's amazing, loving gift.  And that's something that I think is not okay.


  1. The things that unite us -- our commonalities - are so much bigger than the things that divide us.
