Tuesday, December 11, 2012

10 Ways to Have a Better Break

I am happy to say that I just finished a stressful quarter of college! Finals are over, I'm all registered for next quarter's classes, I can finally relax over a nice long winter break. But what should be done? Here are some things you can do to make your break refreshing, relaxing, and fun. (Plus, it's my personal "to do" list for this break).

1. Make a list!
Plan out all of the things you want to do or accomplish over break. This should include fun things like watching a season of your favorite TV show, but also not-so-fun stuff that get pushed to the "back burner" when you're busy. I don't think I cleaned my room once over fall quarter. It was so messy that until yesterday, I could barely even get in. It was bad.

2. Read a classic.
For me, there are very few things less refreshing than cuddling up with a good book! Classics especially seem to relax and sooth me. I know, I know, but you already have to do so much reading for school. Trust me, reading a book will be much more refreshing than spending hours on facebook. My classic of choice for this break is Emma by Jane Austen. Both the book and the author are some of my favorites. Jane Austen's writing just has this way of filling me with joy. I love it.

3. Do one thing you love.
In all seriousness, there is absolutely nothing more rejuvenating to one's mind and spirit than to do something one loves. Sometimes I even forget how much I love something until I pick it up again. On my list is to make my siblings' Christmas presents and to spend time playing the piano and singing. I really enjoy sewing, so I will be making many Christmas presents on my sewing machine this year. I'm so excited about my projects! And playing music makes me happy. (:

4. Spend time laughing hysterically. 
Okay, but really. Watch a bunch of funny youtube videos, hang out with a person who makes you laugh, or just make faces at yourself in the mirror until you crack yourself up. Laughter is the best medicine. Ever. It release chemicals into your body that relaxes you and improves you mood. You will never regret a long, full, tummy-hurting, tear-jerking episode of laughter. I promise.

5. Memorize your favorite Bible passage.
And if you already have, pick a new favorite. This break I am memorizing the second half of Romans 5.  I always feel so refreshed after meditating on God's word. Maybe memorize a verse on God's peace or joy.

6. Bake something.
Whether it's muffins, cake, brownies, or cookies, find a new recipe and try it! I very much enjoy baking. Mostly because when I bake something, I get to eat the batter or dough. Brownies is one of my favorite things to bake.

7. Bless someone.
Buy a stranger's coffee, bake cookies for your grumpy neighbor, or anonymously mail a struggling friend a $20 bill. I don't care how you choose to bless someone; just do it. You will be glad you did.

8. Do one thing outside of your comfort zone.
This could mean talking to someone you'd normally be too shy to, starting a new job, or playing guitar in front of your family. Find something that would make you uncomfortable and do it. What's the worse thing that could happen, right? Even if you aren't right away, you will eventually be glad you did.

9. Write something.
It could be a blog post, journal entry, poem, song, short story, or obituary. Writing helps me to organize and revive my thoughts. This can be refreshing after months of learning, planning, cramming, and lack of sleep.

10. Watch a chick-flick.
One of my favorites is Penelope. But then again, I am a chick-flick fan and watch them all the time. 

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